Monday, October 31, 2011

Fear of Rejection

In the movie Alexander, he proclaimed "Conquer your fears and you conquer death."

Well, we need not be so melodramatic, although it is Halloween Day after all.

But successful job seekers do overcome their fears and do what needs to be done.

Repeatedly I have been told that rejection is the greatest fear when applying for jobs.

Do not make the mistake of premature rejection.

Are you not applying for jobs because you are afraid your application or resume will be rejected?

Have you repeatedly had no responses and assumed your resume, your cover letter, your application was not good enough -- that you were rejected because you were not good enough?


The truth, the reality, is that your application, your resume, is under water in the overwhelming tsunami of applications flooding employers every day.

The odds that some person has seen your application/resume even just to do a ten second quick screen is less than 2%.

This is the first myth of rejection. You have not been rejected because no one has seen your stuff.

Here is another myth of rejection.

You did not get a response because you are too old, too young, too educated, not educated enough, bad attitude, too much information, not enough information, or you have bad hair.

Please pay attention to the first myth again. NO ONE HAS READ YOUR RESUME!

You do not get rejected by total strangers. You may be ignored, but that is not the same as rejection.

Rejection implies a yes or no choice. How can there be a choice when someone does not know about you?

If you think you have been rejected, most likely one or more of the following have occurred.

You are in contact with the wrong person.

They had a bad day.

Your timing was off.

They did not have a choice.

They have insufficient information about you.

They do not see clearly the value in moving forward with your application. And whose responsibility is it to help them see clearly?

Let us at JVS help you get more acceptance.

Visit us at


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Lucky 13 -- Websites for Job Finders

Here is a quick list of helpful websites for job search and job acquisition. Actually, you really do not need to do much more on the Internet outside of these Lucky 13.

1. – Search the Internet and much more

2. - the most widely used search engine where one video is worth a billion words

3. – main website for JVS where you click on Find a Job to see what jobs we know about personally. Also, click on Seminars & Events to find and register for upcoming job seeker activities.

4. – Pure Michigan Talent Connect; the State of Michigan online job and resume banks; also explore the site to access much more career and job resources

5. – the CareerOneStop for the US; anything and everything related to jobs, careers, employment

6. – a gatherer of job leads from other job boards and company websites. Gathers job leads and ideas for other companies to contact from just about everywhere on the Internet which frees you up from wasting countless hours online applying over and over and over again when you should be making those leads into personal contacts using resources like

7. – social media for business and jobs; create your online profile and more, connect with others in your target areas and with companies of interest, find the right people and, in turn, be found by them

8. – the world’s largest online social community

9. – texting the world, listening in on what other people and companies of interest to you are saying including available jobs

10. – the wellspring of all things social media

11. – encyclopedia of the Internet

12. – a relaxing place to learn about job search, resources, etc.; the website of Richard Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute?

Lucky 13. Use your local library website to access ReferenceUSA to learn more about companies and find key people within. One way to find the website of your local library in Southeast Michigan is through The Library Network at

Consider limiting your online hours to less than four per day.

Every online contact represents the potential for real life connections that need to be forged.

Get out there! Jobs have never gone door to door. You have to do that.

And we at JVS can help you get it done. Visit our websites listed above for more information and to connect.

And you can always contact me at

Let's get started!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Ten Smart Interviewing Tips

1. Prepare for the interview
Over two thirds of employers surveyed say that the number one reason a job applicant lost the interview was evident lack of preparation.

2. Dress appropriately for the special occasion that is an interview.
When you put your best foot forward, make sure your shoes are shined.

3. Listen to be heard.
If you are not listening, neither are they.

4. Wear a smile.
Never leave home without it.

5. Show interest to be interesting.
Lean in and reflect on, talk about, what they are saying.

6. Express enthusiasm and excitement.
Anxiety and nervousness leave when positive energy shows up.

7. Create a conversation with good questions.
An interrogation is one sided; an interview should be a win-win.

8. Lead and keep returning to your strengths.
Your assets, and how they can help the interviewer/company succeed, are all that matter.

9. Act as if...
Your behavior drowns out your words.

10. Take the responsibilty for follow up.
Show that you care by staying in touch.

Today, and every month, I conduct an interviewing seminar with these tips and many more plus a chance for you to practice interviewing. And come join me on September 28 I will be at the J Seekers group meeting, Oak Park JCC, 9:30am, sharing more interviewing tips and tricks.

For a private interviewing session, email me at


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Choosing the Right Job or Career

Very often I am assisting job seekers who are having a difficult time deciding which career direction to take or which jobs to target. And most often the consequence of that struggle is inactivity, passivity and paralysis.

Without deciding upon a goal, an objective or just a direction, movement becomes more difficult, perhaps even close to impossible.

A job search has to be active and in motion most of all. Waiting and hoping for something to happen without taking action sows seeds of discouragement, disappointment and depression.

Not taking action because you have not yet come to the best decision about how to proceed can, and often does, lead you nowhere.

Taking steps, taking action, regardless of whether or not those steps are the best to take is far better than doing nothing.

To paraphrase George S. Patton, "A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."

Inactivity leads nowhere. Activity of any kind at least has a chance of being productive. And as long as you are active, you are on the go. And you need to be going in order to get to where you want to be. You won't get there by waiting for something to happen.

JVS offers career counseling services to help you make career decisions. Armed with good information about yourself, and your options, will increase greatly your job and career success. However, exploration and implementation both require you take action in order to be successful.

Start by acting on, heading toward, one of your choices, without it having to be a sure bet. There are too many unknowns in the world of work and careers to be able to proceed with absolute certainty.

Once you have made a choice, once you are in motion, once you are active, it will become much easier to change course, to improve on the decisions you make. Your car can't turn if it isn't moving.

So start with making a choice, a good choice, but it does not have to be the best choice. It is not all about making the right choice to start, but it is all about making a move.

Once you are in motion, those who can help you, your navigators, will be able to help you much better. Navigators help you steer, but you are the pilot. And you need to help one another to reach your destination.

Let JVS help you make your career choices and navigate your way to job search success. Contact us at 248.559.5000 or

You can reach me at


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Staying Happy During Your Job Search

"Remember happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think." Dale Carnegie

Colleen Oakley,, had a quiz, Sunny Side Up, in the July 31st issue of Parade magazine about being happy.

I would like to share her ten points, with an additional comment from me, which may be of help in keeping that happy face while you look for that dream job.

1. Cheerful people generally don't give happiness much thought. My thought is that happiness happens most when you are not looking for it. Remember the old axiom "ignorance is bliss."

2. Research shows that vacation-goers feel happiest a month before they take off for their destination. Nothing beats the fun of anticipation. Use the positive power of visualization to keep your spirits up.

3. How happy you are is 50% genetic, 40% influenced by how you think and act every day and only 10% influenced by life circumstances. Happy people tend to be happy even when life would seem ready to get them down.

4. To get the most enjoyment out of your work life, you should make friends with your coworkers. And to get the most productivity out of your job search, make friends with your fellow job seekers.

5. If you're sad, reading a novel is more likely to cheer you up than watching reruns of your favorite sitcom or tuning in to the news. Reading works your mind in a way that watching TV never can. An active mind is more likely to be a happy mind.

6. If you have a little free time, the activity which will bring you the most pleasure is spending time with nature outdoors. Physical activity outside has continually been shown to have positive effects, even biochemically.

7. Optimists are not necessarily happier than pessimists. Realistic expectations may prove to keep disappointment at bay.

8. Music, any kind of music, is an instant mood booster. Enough said...

9. Taking fish oil every day can actually help battle depression. Proper diet and daily exercise are essential basic steps toward success and well being.

10. Disney's Peter Pan was right in saying "think happy thoughts." And back to Dale at the top.

Share your tips for keeping positive with me at and help us help you by visiting and


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Best Interview Advice

A common, possibly tough, interview question often asked, in one way or another, is

"Can you describe how you handled a difficult problem?"

How would you rate the following answers? Which answer do you think is the best?

Answer #1
"As a member of research team, after we had conducted thousands of experiments on a certain project without solving the problem, one of my associates, after we had conducted the crowning experiment and it had proved a failure, expressed discouragement and disgust over our having failed to find out anything. I cheerily assured him that we had learned something. For we had learned for a certainty that the thing couldn't be done that way, and that we would have to try some other way. He was encouraged by my attitude and went back to work with renewed enthusiasm. Ultimately we discovered the best material to use and increased the longevity of the product from 13 hours to over 1200 hours."

Answer #2
"Once I had to work as part of a research team. The other members of the team did not seem to know what they were doing and kept on asking me questions. They complained a lot and were not very helpful. I kept on trying different things to see what would work best, but everyone else, including my bosses, were not very supportive. After I put in a lot of long hours, I got the project done okay."

Answer #3
"We had to make this thing. It was hard, and took a lot of time, and a lot of work, but we did a really, really good job of it."

Answer #4
"As an inventor, I and my co-workers created many products and devices that involved extensive experimentation and often did not have easy solutions. And my over twenty years of that kind of experience makes me ideally qualified, the best candidate and a perfect fit for your open position. I am confident that I can handle any difficult situation that might occur."

My money is on Answer #1.

Because it is not so much what story you tell, but all about HOW you tell it. The words you use and how you deliver the story are most important.

If you disagree, I want to know. Please comment below and/or email me at

By the way, I wrote all four answers with Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb in mind. And most of Answer #1 is directly quoted from Edison himself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Best Way to Hunt for a Job

According to the 2012 edition of Richard Bolles' What Color Is Your Parachute?, the best way to hunt for a job is Doing An Inventory of Yourself.

That way is successful about 86% of the time!

Another way to put it is if 100 job seekers used this approach, 86 of them would find their next job.

This inventory of yourself is thinking about WHAT you enjoy doing most, WHERE you would enjoy doing what you enjoy doing most and HOW to get there.

First, find the particular jobs that fit this bill.

Second, find the specific places where you can do those jobs.

Third, find the person(s) who have the power or influence over hiring.

This way works because, accordingly to Bolles, you more precisely identify your true target(s); you can help others help you with clear, direct and doable requests; you are better prepared than the competition because you can present to an employer your unique features and benefits.

However, one factor about this approach discourages most job seekers.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work" Thomas A. Edison

Having to think about who you are, what you want, where you want to go and how you plan to get there takes some effort. Most job seekers just want the job and do not see the need to do the work.

Another reason why this method has an 86% success rate is probably because those who choose to do it are, by definition, hard workers.

"The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work." Harry Golden

Helping hands to make this hard work doable and success possible are here at JVS.

Visit us at

And you can always email me at


Monday, August 15, 2011

What's the Problem?

How you behave in your job search often is seen by others as an indicator of how you will behave on the job.

For example, how someone deals with problems during unemployment or a job change might indicate how that person handles problems at work.

Of course, employers do not want to hire people who create problems. But what about people who may not create the problem, but make problems into bigger problems? Or people who dwell on the problem without offering any help in solving it?

Companies seek employees who minimize or eliminate problems. Problem solving is a highly valued skill in the work world.

How would you rate your problem solving skills?

Do you appreciate, maybe even seek out, problems or challenges as opportunities to apply your problem solving skills?

Do you approach problems as experiences to learn new ways of doing things?

If you get frustrated or angry with a problem, maybe even quit trying, is that how you are going to handle problems on the job?

Do you fixate, obsess about the problem without moving forward, without seeking a solution? Do you complain about the problem repeatedly to anyone and everyone you meet?

Does the problem become so much a part of you that others start to see you as the problem?

"We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems." John W. Gardner

If you show that you can deal with, can seek solutions to the problems that come with unemployment and job change, you send a message to prospective employers about how you will handle problems on the job before you make them the employer's problems.

And that's a good thing.

We at JVS can help you with your problems.

Check us out at

And you can email me with your problems, questions, concerns and needs at


Friday, July 22, 2011

What Kind of a Job Getter Are You?

Are you a Job Seeker?

Or a Job Hunter?

How about a Job Developer?

Or are you a Job Settler, maybe even homebound?

If you are a Job Hunter, do you know your target? Know how to find your target, know how it thinks, and how to capture it. Are you properly equipped? Know how to attract your target, how to lure it to you. Is your resume, your application, your bait, appealing? And when your target is in range, are you equipped to spring the trap? Do you have a winning interview as one of your primary weapons? Are you prepared to camp out as long as it takes to make the capture?

If you are a Job Seeker, are you making contact with the right guides, those who can help you find your way? Are you setting up your scouts who are familiar with the natives within the uncharted territory of the companies where you want to work? Are you asking for directions? Are you open to exploring companies and opportunities without necessarily arriving at your job destination? Keep your eyes, ears and mind open to possibilities along the way to reveal new hidden treasure.

If you are a Job Developer, have you created mutually beneficial relationships with others? Are you making contacts first and foremost to offer your assets, your talents, your resources, your time and effort to be of help? Take care of your relationships to develop opportunities. Make it all about how you can be seen as a creator and connector. Plant seeds, nurture the relationships you have with others and tend to their growth. Your harvest will be much more fruitful.

Or are you a Job Settler waiting for the phone to ring with an offer for a job, any job? Are you willing to settle for whatever comes your way? Unfortunately, for Job Settlers, there is no home delivery for job offers. You have to go outside to get your next job. Once you get your job is the time for settling in. First you need to locate your employer and build your office home before you can settle in.

If you need help to be prepared for the job hunt, information about how and where to search for jobs, connections to develop job opportunities, contact us at JVS.

And you can always email me, call me or find me on LinkedIn.

Don't just settle, make it happen!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why You Do Not Get Responses to Your Applications

There are numerous factors that affect whether or not you get a response to your application/resume.

The most likely affecting factors, by far, are which filter keywords the screener uses and the number of applications/resumes submitted.

When dealing with large numbers of applications/resumes, savvy screeners will load the filters with numerous distinguishing and unique keywords to limit the results.

At the very least, applicants must have core keywords in their resumes or they will surely be passed over and get no responses to their applications.

On average, even with the right keywords and in the best of circumstances, you have less than a 20% chance of getting a response.

That means, if you do nothing other than submit an application/resume to a posted job opening, the very best response rate you can expect is one response out of five applications.

Usually, the response rate is more like 1% or 2%, one or two out of a hundred!

And response means nothing more than an overture, a request, for next contact or more information, not necessarily an offer for an interview.

Considering the odds, it is in your best interest to include as many of the right keywords as possible in your application/resume.

The first indication of which keywords are the right keywords is in the wording of the posting.

Identify words in the ad that are descriptors like job titles, equipment, specialized knowledge like software, credentials such as college degree or certifications, and particular industry or product or service experience. Try to include as many of those exact words in your application/resume.

So if they are asking for a Special Events Coordinator and you performed those duties under the title of Operations and Registration Manager, you do not have to change your previous job title. However, do make certain you put the words “special events” and “coordinator” somewhere in your application/resume, such as an objective or summary at the beginning of your information.

Secondly, you can discover keywords by browsing for the job titles and keywords of postings which you have already found to uncover additional like openings. Try putting those keywords into the Indeed search field without specifying a job location. That will open up the possibilities and give you many more keyword choices.

Also, you can visit, click on Occupation Information, then select Occupation Profile, and using your job title create a profile which includes knowledge, skills, abilities, job tasks, equipment used and more. Again, more keyword possibilities.

A list of 25 keywords usually is sufficient to penetrate the screen and get a response.

All this relates to the “automated” process of screening applications/resumes. And “automated” does mean a computer scan, but can also mean human eyes very quickly scanning for keywords.

Those responses you receive from a one step application process mean you got through the screen and usually little else.

Once you get a response, you should have feedback and more information about your chances for the interview, but before that it is nothing more than keywords.

If you are being told that you are over-qualified for the job, in their minds, you are. And over-qualified means you feel entitled to lots of money. And if you do not get lots of money, you will leave the first chance you get. And it does not matter if you argue this, their minds are made up. By the way, they are right most of the time.

Regarding openings for which you might be perceived as over-qualified, one tactic might be to state your qualifications and experience in terms that are more in line, a better fit, with the requirements of the job. If they require three to five years of experience, report just five years of those ten years of experience you have and nothing more. If they require a coordinator, do not present that you were an Operations and Registration Manager, but simply Operations and Registration without the Manager.

But, above all, make certain you are including the keywords that they are presenting in the posting.

Again, this is all about getting to the interview. Once you are in the interview, you may be directed, or elect, to open up more about specific experiences that would work to your advantage. But that’s a discussion for another time.

Let us help you find your keywords. Visit us at, click on Seminars/Events and sign up for one of our weekly meetings.

As always, you can reach me at or 248.233.4231.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Rule

Make it easy for others to help you.

Yep, that's it.

Nothing more.

If you are unemployed and need to find another job, you need other people to help you in a countless variety of ways.

Searching for your next employer is a team sport.

So you need to assemble your team. But your team needs to know what to do and have the right equipment, knowledge and skills to help you succeed.

You have to give others direction, the more precise, the more detailed, the better.

You have to share your goal, your objectives, your plan, your progress with your team. Share with them what you have done and what you plan on doing on a regular basis. Let them know where you have applied, where you plan to apply and with whom you would like to connect.

All these pieces are what will equip your team to be able to help you. And your activity, your efforts and your initiative will motivate them to keep on helping until you reach your goal.

If you wait for something to happen, you will keep your team waiting and they will not wait for very long, if at all.

If you depend entirely on your team to make it happen, then you are showing them that you are not ready, not willing or even able to help them help you.

When you do not share with others what you have been doing in your job search, to them it is the same as doing nothing.

Even if you are very active, without keeping your team informed, naturally they will assume you are doing nothing. And then they will do nothing in return.

And do not ask of others what you can do yourself. The more you do yourself, along with the more detailed direction you can provide, the easier you can make it for others to help and the more likely you will get the help you need.

And do not forget to offer and give help to those who help you.

By the way, if you limit the information you give to employers about your qualifications, experience and education to just applications and resumes, then you make it harder for employers to learn about you. And chances are they will be in contact with other applicants -- not you.

Make it easier for them to select you for the interview. Make other and more direct contacts like in person visits and referrals from your connections. LinkedIn and Facebook are used by 95% of employers because those sources are quick and easy ways for companies to learn more about applicants of interest.

If you are not using these online resources, what else are you doing to help the employer learn more about you?

Make it easy for others to help you.

Make it easy for JVS to help and take the first step.
Visit our website, for more information.

And you can always contact me, Walt Tarrow, via email,, on LinkedIn, and by phone at 248.233.4231.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Storms Make Oaks Take Deeper Root

So says George Herbert...

Leaving a job is often a very traumatic experience even when the choice to leave is yours.

After years of being a member of a work group, being an important and accepted part of a work family, you are leaving home.

If you have been told to leave, the hurt can go very deep. No matter how unavoidable the layoff, no matter if the company had to close its doors, or no matter how generous and gentle the severance package, it still is painful.

BUT just because you have left a job, it does not mean you have lost all, or even any, of what you have gained, of what you have become.

You acquired experience, knowledge, skills and more in the time you spent with the company. You changed and developed talents and gifts that will be yours to keep forever.

You may have left a company, but you have not lost who you are and what value you can add to another company. You now have the opportunity to find your next workplace home -- a workplace that will appreciate what you have to offer and reward you with new relationships, new opportunities and greater possibilities for your new future.

First and foremost, you have not become just another job seeker.

To many employers, you are a highly valued resource provider.

Start with identifying the talents, the special gifts, you have that represent high value to the employer market. What can you do, and do well, that is most desired?

Learn how to communicate and present yourself as a value proposition to your next workplace home. How can you act best to send the right messages? Who do you know that can help you get out those words about you?

We can help with that at JVS.

Go to for more info or contact me.

Walt Tarrow

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Lonely Resume

Is your resume without any friends?

Do you send out or post resume after resume and get no responses?

When employers are having their hiring party, is your resume, your application, standing all alone in the corner? Or maybe you could not even get in the door...

Take a closer look at your resume.

Better yet, take a really close look at the people at the hiring party.

What did they ask for on the invitation? What types of people did they invite to the party?

What type of person did they describe in the job posting?

Does your RSVP to the party, your response to the posting, your resume, your application, read like, sound like, look like the kind of person they described in the invitation, the posting?

Or are you just anybody, just anybody looking for a party, any party, to crash?

If you do not present, communicate, that you are one of the invitees, one of the persons who meets their basic qualifications for a welcome party goer, why would they let you in, let alone want to party with you, or even talk to you?

Anyone who is looking for anything, any type of job, is a party crasher. Even if you have the potential to be a productive, successful and valuable employee, without making that clear up front, you are likely to be ignored. Employers will not spend the time with a stranger outside the door trying to figure out if it is okay to let you in.

If you think you would spend the time with that stranger, keep that in mind the next time a door to door salesman visits your home. At least that salesman has a pitch that might be of interest. Do you have anything of interest to say to anyone at the employer's hiring party?

At the least, match your resume as much as possible with the same keywords and related experience and education as stated in the job posting. If you don't show even that much interest in, that much consideration for, the employer, your resume will always be kept outside and never allowed into the party.

A resume in search of anything, any job, is a lonely resume.

Don't let your resume be that resume.

Get in touch and stay in touch with us at JVS and let us help you join the party.

Our main website is

Our job posting site is

And you can reach me by email at

Get Real and Get Noticed!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lookin' For a Job Ain't What It Used To Be

"Everybody is for progress, but nobody wants change." Will Rogers

It seems that looking for a job has become so very, very hard and so very, very discouraging.

This "tough economy" has high unemployment and fewer jobs.

But I just searched on for jobs near my office and came up with 2,680 job leads for the city of Southfield, MI alone.

No doubt the economy has affected job search; but what is really at work here and now?

First and, by far, foremost, the process and mechanics of the job search have changed ginormously.

The use of computers and the Internet as primary, if not exclusive, tools for employers and recruiters looking for qualified candidates has had the greatest impact on the job search of today.

And very often not in a good way.

It has become very quick and easy for job seekers to apply to many jobs. Just a click of the mouse and you can send out thousands of resumes. And all from the convenience of your home or your local library.

One study revealed that 97% of applicants to a variety of positions did not meet the minimum requirements for the job!

That means the employer has to dig through the haystack of all those applications and resumes to find the needle of 3%.

No wonder, on many occasions, employers will opt out of the resume mountain in favor of the personal, word of mouth, molehill.

More and more businesses are paying their employees bonuses for personal applicant referrals. In some cases, bonuses of several thousand dollars.

And that's the good news.

If you can make the personal connection with an insider or key person within the company, you increase your chances of a job offer immensely.

Maybe your job search starts in cyberspace, but it really works when you are face to face.

If you need help in making those up close and personal connections, get in touch with me and the employment services at JVS.

Walt Tarrow,
JVS Job Posting Site at

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fools Rush In...

I get asked these questions many times. "Is this the right thing to do?" Or "is it okay for me to ...?" Or "should I try this?"

Much more often than not, the question is being asked because the people asking do not want to take certain steps. They are afraid they will get into trouble, be seen as pestering, inappropriate, or that they will fail. Maybe they fear that they will appear foolish.

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." Alexander Pope

But history has shown us time and time again that many who have rushed in have achieved success. Success was theirs only because they had the courage to try some things even if those attempts were foolish. Even when those attempts failed. And many of these attempts were at the risk of putting everything, everything they had, everything they treasured, on the line.

"Fortune favors the bold." Virgil

Famous Failures Video

A good example of a successful person who first was thought of as a "fool" is Robert Goddard who today is hailed for his research and experimentation with liquid-fueled rockets, but during his lifetime his ideas were often rejected and mocked by his scientific peers who thought they were outrageous and impossible. Today rockets and space travel don't seem far-fetched at all, due largely in part to the work of this scientist who worked against the feelings of the time.

Click on this link for an article on 50 Famously Successful People Who Failed At First which includes Goddard.

So, why not be foolish, why not try something different, why not go out on a limb?

What have you got to lose?

Maybe you even will have to face your greatest fear...success!

If you are still afraid to take the next step, I am here to help.

Contact me at, or on LinkedIn, and be sure to visit JVS at

Happy April Fools Day!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wishing You Good Will

"May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and the road downhill all the way to your door." Irish saying

Are you making the first steps in your job search about how you can be of help to others?

What skills, experience, education and knowledge, successes can you use to help your next boss, your next co-workers, your next company?

Have you identified what you have of value and appeal to your employer market?

Make that your first step.

Identify how you can help potential employers be successful.

How can you put a smile on their faces, joy in their hearts and money in their pockets?

And how can you do the same for your fellow job seekers?

How can you be of help to those who are ready, willing and able to help you?

Do you have "warm words" for them on those "cold evenings" during this tough economy?

Do you bring the light of hope, the "full moon," when it is hard for all to see that during "dark nights?"

Do you help make the road easier, "downhill all the way to their door?"

Start by thinking first and always foremost about how you can spread good will and be of help to your next employer and to those who already care about you.

We at JVS want to help.

Visit us at

Attend any or all of our events, meetings, and seminars as shown on our calendars at and our main website.

Join me and my groups on LinkedIn.

"May good fortune be yours. May your joys never end."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Take Action

"Be bold. If you're going to make an error, make a doozy, and don't be afraid to hit the ball." Billie Jean King

One sure way to achieve your goals, to realize your dreams, is to get started!

Get your job search house in order.

Visualize your desired, your ideal, job and worklife. Identify what aspects of that job are important to you and picture the actual work place. If you have a difficult time imagining any of this, consider working with a career counselor. JVS offers career counseling services. To learn more, go to or contact me directly at

Learn how to ride your job search emotional roller coaster. The ups and downs are, and will, certainly be there. So find ways to survive, maybe even enjoy (and even get a picture afterward...:-)), the ride. Seek out support and use your personal network. If you are having a hard time and need help in finding support, please contact me by email or call me at 248.233.4231. I can also provide you with a list of area job seeker support and networking groups.

Prepare your marketing materials. Again, if you need help with your resume, your cover letters, your personal card, portfolio and the like, get in touch with me.

Have a plan and put it into motion. Assemble your job search team, use any and all resources at your disposal. And, regardless of how and where you are stuck, contact me to help get you unstuck.

"Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action." Benjamin Disraeli

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beware the Ides of March

What is holding you back from your job search?

Are you afraid, anxious or worried about what may happen if you take action?

Is it difficult for you to take steps because you are not certain of the outcome?

"Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism. Confronting your fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can, paradoxically, make you a far happier and more productive person." Dr. David M. Burns

Do your steps have to be perfect before you make a move?

"If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin." Ivan Turgenev

What is it that is blocking you from taking steps in your job search?

If you are unsure, confused, not certain of what to do, where to start or how to keeping going, help is out there.

You can start with us at JVS and go from there. Visit our website at and take advantage of our Online Job Search link and plan on attending a weekly job seeker support group meeting or job search seminars listed on our monthly calendar.

Contact me by email at or call me at 248.233.4231

Don't let this quote be where you are and where you are stuck.

"Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed." Michael Pritchard

Monday, February 21, 2011

Flattery will get you everywhere...

A thank you goes out to Claudia Mills,, of Home Instead Senior Care,, for her invaluable advice about recommendations on LinkedIn,
At our JVS Employer Forum event last Tuesday, February 15, Claudia suggested to get recommendations on LinkedIn, first you should give recommendations.
What a wonderfully wise idea!
First seek out others who have qualities, or experience, or situations you admire. People who are working, or have worked, where you would like to work. Others who have the background, the education or training, or skill sets you find of interest. Fellow professionals or workers who are where you want to be; who have taken the journey you may need to take to get where you want to be.
Include those who have connections to those people with whom you most closely want to identify.
Then read their profiles and invite them to join your network if you already know them or have a connection in common.
Get to know them to learn what you admire, appreciate, the most about them.
And, most importantly, compose a recommendation and send it to them.
By taking these steps, you also learn about yourself.
You learn about what is important to you, what interests you and what you admire.
By finding it in others, you gain a better understanding of what strengths you have already and what strengths you need to develop.
And you take action to enlist the aid of others who have developed those strengths to show you the way.
If you need help with your recommendations or in learning about and navigating LinkedIn, attend my LinkedIn series the first week in March. Go to and click on the Seminars/Events tab for more information and to register.
You can also follow me and JVS on LinkedIn, the JVS website at, and JVS Detroit on Facebook.
Or email me at
Recommend us to your friends and connections, especially anyone who is looking for help in finding employment or changing careers.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Be a Source of Good Feelings

Why would anyone want to take your phone call or read and answer your email?

If you are looking for a job and the extent of your contacts is limited to sending resumes and completing applications, then you are no different than any other job seeker.

How can you make yourself special?

You certainly have to apply for jobs, especially those that are not being advertised, the hidden job market, but what else are you doing to be memorable?

How about adding good feelings to the equation?

Success in your job search has as much to do with fostering good feelings as with being qualified for the job.

You have to be positive, professional and patiently persistent, but also consider being the bearer of good news, good thoughts, good wishes.

A counselor friend of mine built her business by creating a Good News newsletter that she mailed to several dozen CEOs of major corporations. Several of those supposedly unapproachable executives contacted her personally to thank her for bringing some good feelings to their otherwise stressful day.

How about sharing a good natured, inspirational quotation with some of the hiring managers with whom you are trying to connect? Nothing more than a gesture of good will.

No resume, no application, just good feelings.

That might make all the difference in being remembered when that hiring decision is being made.

For ideas for motivational quotations, send me an email, contact me on LinkedIn, or follow JVSDetroit on Twitter.

Walt Tarrow