Monday, July 12, 2010

Is Your Job Search Out of Control? - Part 2 of 5

Yesterday I advised not looking for "anything" and having a focus in your job search.

But what if your focused job search is coming up empty, no leads, nobody hiring someone like you?

The hidden secret, known for the past several decades and probably for all time, the majority, as much as 80%, of all jobs NEVER GET ADVERTISED.

Most job openings are filled BEFORE they can ever go public.

And most employers would rather their job openings not go public because when jobs are advertised, made known to the public, then the mad rush, the spammers, the tsunami of job seekers all storm the gates.

Keep your focus, keep your eye on the prize and stop stampeding with the crowd.

Contact all those companies of interest even if they are not advertising any openings.

Use a letter of inquiry or introduction, ask for advice from key people, phone the switchboard and ask general questions like to whom should you speak to learn more about the company or how they go about hiring when they have the need, create marketing pieces and campaigns to promote your strengths, assests and value to the company.

But do not limit your job search only to those companies advertising openings.

If you need help in creating and putting into action your marketing and prospecting plan, get in touch with me at

Be sure to come back for Part 3.

And don't forget to check out what's happening at

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